Nuno Calado: Hydra iT has been growing thanks to the partnerships with startups

Nuno Calado: Hydra IT tem crescido com parcerias com startups - Press

Hydra iT leader says that company growth has been very motivated by partnerships with startups.  

"We have grown through partnerships, we have also grown with startups," explains Nuno Calado of Hydra iT. Nuno Calado is one of the guests of the 3rd conference that celebrates the 4th anniversary of Dinheiro Vivo, taking place at Tibães Monastery in Braga. In the debate "The relationship between startups and big companies in the challenge of Industry 4.0", Nuno Calado says that the company has helped, many times, startups in the task of finding customers. With 70 employees, Hydra iT confesses the difficulties in finding the human resources needed to work in the technological area in which the company operates. "We do not go to university doors, but we try to be present in the presentations of companies in the region. It's a continuous job of capturing talent" he says.  
